December 14 - February 2, 2025
Join John Tuomisto-Bell for the opening
December 14th from 1-4pm
at Artemizia Foundation’s Gallery 818
About the Show
“Walking the Path” is an examination of the human psyche. Intelligence, aggression, and violence have always been forefront in man’s existence. It seems to be some of our strongest characteristics yet paradoxically some of our weakest. Examining these issues in the context of the human condition has been the center of my work. I am conflicted with our cruelty yet see beauty in the simplest acts of human nature. Voicing these passions through simple icons: the lone figure, an isolated head, is a way to communicate on a visceral level this complex understanding of the human condition, its consciousness, truth and emotion.
Members: FREE
Non-members: $10 (includes museum admission)